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Product 3 of 3
 Oakwood / Oasys Oakwood / Oasys Fully Automatic Twinstack Laminator - TS30, 12 Daylight

Oakwood / Oasys Fully Automatic Twinstack Laminator - TS30, 12 Daylight

Product number: 1100852
Availability: on request

Oakwood / Oasys Fully Automatic Twinstack Laminator - TS30, 12 Daylight

Manufacturer: Oakwood
Year of manufacturing: 2003
Condition: Good / Refubished in 2008 by Oasys
Machine was in use for about 9000 cycles after refurbishment (2008)
Twin Stack: 12 daylights
Platen Size: 840 * 660 mm
Maximum Lamination Area: 840 * 628 mm
Precision of pressure: +/- 3% of normal range
Maximum Laminatin Temperature: 200 degrees C
Temperature controll: +/- 2 degrees C of set point temperature between 120 and 160 degrees C.
Electrical Cartridge Heating Elements
Fulli Automatic Lift / Load / Transfer and upload system with 2 tilt stations
Hydraulic power back
Control: "Touch Screen" control panel in remote console, Microprocessor control system allowing online display of all parameters and incycle monitoring. Fault diagnostics and P.I.D. (Proportional Integral Derivatives) control systems for enhanced operational accuracy showing named identity of fault via display screen. PC Interface to microprocessor for management control system
Production capacity: 20.000 to 23.000 cards per hour / current cassettes designed for lamination plate of 812 * 630 mm (2 * 40 up)
Water chiller: Aqua Cooling Solutions Hitema Precision Cooler
Cassettes: 30 pieces for lamination plate of 812 * 630 mm ( 2 * 40 up)
Spare parts: All available parts included. Also set of spare cold water pipes which need to be replaced in the near future are included
Lamination plates and pads: Excluded

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